Sofia Necchi Kart Pilot | ROTAX MAX Series UAE
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Logo Rotax

The Rotax Series, a name known all over the world and synonymous with karting championships dedicated to Rotax engines.

Sportiness, equality of performance (all engines are sealed), healthy fun and a great desire to share the same passion, are the foundations on which the Rotax MAX Challenge project is based around the world. The Rotax MAX Challenge UAE 2023-2024 will take place in the United Arab Emirates on the basis of 10 rounds (3 doubles), developed on the tracks of Dubai, Al Ain, Yas Marina and Al Forsan. Nowadays the RMC UAE is the most competitive series in the country with almost 100 entries overall and a lot of exciting fights on track.

A new dedicated website, wide visibility on social channels, photo gallery, videos, many initiatives and a dedicated organization complete the lines of a championship that intends to become increasingly a point of reference in karting: visit the Rotax MAX Challenge website . (Http://